Amour Secret

Posted by Manu Mattos on 31.3.10 in
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Amour secret
Ô toi d'où me vient ma pensée,
Sois fière devant le Seigneur !
Relève ta tête abaissée,
Ô toi d'où me vient mon bonheur !

Quand je traverse cette lieue
Qui nous sépare, au sein des nuits,
Ta patrie étoilée et bleue
Rayonne à mes yeux éblouis.

C'est l'heure où cent lampes en flammes
Brillent aux célestes plafonds ;
L'heure où les astres et les âmes
Échangent des regards profonds.

Je sonde alors ta destinée,
Je songe à toi, qui viens des cieux,
A toi, grande âme emprisonnée,
A toi, grand coeur mystérieux !

Noble femme, reine asservie,
Je rêve à ce sort envieux
Qui met tant d'ombre dans ta vie,
Tant de lumière dans tes yeux

Moi, je te connais tout entière
Et je te contemple à genoux ;
Mais autour de tant de lumière
Pourquoi tant d'ombre, ô sort jaloux ?

Dieu lui donna tout, hors l'aumône
Qu'il fait à tous dans sa bonté ;
Le ciel qui lui devait un trône
Lui refusa la liberté.

Oui, ton aile, que le bocage,
Que l'air joyeux réclame en vain,
Se brise aux barreaux d'une cage,
Pauvre grande âme, oiseau divin !

Bel ange, un joug te tient captive,
Cent préjugés sont ta prison,
Et ton attitude pensive,
Hélas, attriste ta maison.

Tu te sens prise par le monde
Qui t'épie, injuste et mauvais.
Dans ton amertume profonde
Souvent tu dis : si je pouvais !

Mais l'amour en secret te donne
Ce qu'il a de pur et de beau,
Et son invisible couronne,
Et son invisible flambeau !

Flambeau qui se cache à l'envie,
Qui luit, splendide et clandestin,
Et qui n'éclaire de la vie
Que l'intérieur du destin.

L'amour te donne, ô douce femme,
Ces plaisirs où rien n'est amer,
Et ces regards où toute l'âme
Apparaît dans un seul éclair,

Et le sourire, et la caresse,
L'entretien furtif et charmant,
Et la mélancolique ivresse
D'un ineffable épanchement,

Et les traits chéris d'un visage,
Ombre qu'on aime et qui vous suit,
Qu'on voit le jour dans le nuage,
Qu'on voit dans le rêve la nuit,

Et les extases solitaires,
Quand tous deux nous nous asseyons
Sous les rameaux pleins de mystères
Au fond des bois pleins de rayons ;

Purs transports que la foule ignore,
Et qui font qu'on a d'heureux jours
Tant qu'on peut espérer encore
Ce dont on se souvient toujours.

Va, sèche ton bel oeil qui pleure,
Ton sort n'est pas déshérité.
Ta part est encor la meilleure,
Ne te plains pas, ô ma beauté !

Ce qui manque est bien peu de chose
Quand on est au printemps vermeil,
Et quand on vit comme la rose
De parfums, d'ombre et de soleil.

Laisse donc, ô ma douce muse,
Sans le regretter un seul jour,
Ce que le destin te refuse
Pour ce que te donne l'amour !

Victor Hugo


La Primavera

Posted by Manu Mattos on 30.3.10 in
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Giunt’è la Primavera e festosetti
La salutan gl’augei con lieto canto,
E i fonti allo spirar de’ zeffiretti
Con dolce mormorìo scorrono intanto;
Vengon coprendo l’aer di nero manto
E lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla eletti
Indi tacendo questi, gl’augelletti
Tornan di nuovo al lor canoro incanto:
E quindi sul fiorito ameno prato
Al caro mormorìo di fronde e piante
Dorme ‘l caprar col fido can’ a lato.
Di pastoral zampogna al suon festante
Danzan ninfe e pastor nel tetto amato
Di Primavera all’apparir brillante.



In the wave-strike over unquiet stones

Posted by Manu Mattos on 28.3.10 in
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In the wave-strike over unquiet stones
the brightness bursts and bears the rose
and the ring of water contracts to a cluster
to one drop of azure brine that falls.
O magnolia radiance breaking in spume,
magnetic voyager whose death flowers
and returns, eternal, to being and nothingness:
shattered brine, dazzling leap of the ocean.
Merged, you and I, my love, seal the silence
while the sea destroys its continual forms,
collapses its turrets of wildness and whiteness,
because in the weft of those unseen garments
of headlong water, and perpetual sand,
we bear the sole, relentless tenderness.

Pablo Neruda


Sonnet d'automne

Posted by Manu Mattos on 26.3.10 in
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Ils me disent, tes yeux, clairs comme le cristal :
" Pour toi, bizarre amant, quel est donc mon mérite ? "
- Sois charmante et tais-toi ! Mon coeur, que tout irrite,
Excepté la candeur de l'antique animal,

Ne veut pas te montrer son secret infernal,
Berceuse dont la main aux longs sommeils m'invite,
Ni sa noire légende avec la flamme écrite.
Je hais la passion et l'esprit me fait mal !

Aimons-nous doucement. L'Amour dans sa guérite,
Ténébreux, embusqué, bande son arc fatal.
Je connais les engins de son vieil arsenal :

Crime, horreur et folie ! - Ô pâle marguerite !
Comme moi n'es-tu pas un soleil automnal,
Ô ma si blanche, ô ma si froide Marguerite ?

Charles Baudelaire


Romances Sans Paroles

Posted by Manu Mattos on 25.3.10 in
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C’est l’extase langoureuse,
C’est la fatigue amoureuse,
C’est tous les frissons des bois
Parmi l’étreinte des brises,
C’est, vers les ramures grises,
Le choeur des petites voix.

O le frêle et frais murmure!
Cela gazouille et susure,
Cela ressemble au cri doux
Que l’herbe agitée expire…
Tu dirais, sous l’eau qui vire,
Le roulis sourd des cailloux.

Cette âme qui se lamente
En cette plainte dormante,
C’est la nôtre, n’est-ce pas?
La mienne, dis, et la tienne,
Dont s’exhale l’humble antienne
Par ce tiède soir, tout bas?

Paul Verlaine


Crossing The Water

Posted by Manu Mattos on 23.3.10 in
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Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.
Where do the black trees go that drink here?
Their shadows must cover Canada.

A little light is filtering from the water flowers.
Their leaves do not wish us to hurry:
They are round and flat and full of dark advice.

Cold worlds shake from the oar.
The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.
A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand;

Stars open among the lilies.
Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?
This is the silence of astounded souls.

Sylvia Plath


The Young Fools (Les Ingénus)

Posted by Manu Mattos on 23.3.10 in
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High-heels were struggling with a full-length dress
So that, between the wind and the terrain,
At times a shining stocking would be seen,
And gone too soon. We liked that foolishness.

Also, at times a jealous insect's dart
Bothered out beauties. Suddenly a white
Nape flashed beneath the branches, and this sight
Was a delicate feast for a young fool's heart.

Evening fell, equivocal, dissembling,
The women who hung dreaming on our arms
Spoke in low voices, words that had such charms
That ever since our stunned soul has been trembling.

Paul Verlaine


More Strong Than Time

Posted by Manu Mattos on 21.3.10 in
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Since I have set my lips to your full cup, my sweet,
Since I my pallid face between your hands have laid,
Since I have known your soul, and all the bloom of it,
And all the perfume rare, now buried in the shade;

Since it was given to me to hear on happy while,
The words wherein your heart spoke all its mysteries,
Since I have seen you weep, and since I have seen you smile,
Your lips upon my lips, and your eyes upon my eyes;

Since I have known above my forehead glance and gleam,
A ray, a single ray, of your star, veiled always,
Since I have felt the fall, upon my lifetime's stream,
Of one rose petal plucked from the roses of your days;

I now am bold to say to the swift changing hours,
Pass, pass upon your way, for I grow never old,
Fleet to the dark abysm with all your fading flowers,
One rose that none may pluck, within my heart I hold.

Your flying wings may smite, but they can never spill
The cup fulfilled of love, from which my lips are wet;
My heart has far more fire than you can frost to chill,
My soul more love than you can make my soul forget

Victor Hugo


Para que tu me oigas...

Posted by Manu Mattos on 18.3.10 in
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Para que tú me oigas
mis palabras
se adelgazan a veces
como las huellas de las gaviotas en las playas.

Collar, cascabel ebrio
para tus manos suaves como las uvas.

y las miro lejanas mis palabras.
Más que mías son tuyas.
Van trepando en mi viejo dolor como las yedras.

Ellas trepan así por las paredes húmedas.
Eres tú la culpable de este juego sangriento.
Ellas están huyendo de mi guarida oscura.
Todo lo llenas tú, todo lo llenas.

Antes de tí poblaron la soledad que ocupas,
y están acostumbradas más que tú a mi tristeza.

Ahora quiero que digan lo que quiero decirte
para que tú oigas como quiero que me oigas.

El viento de la angustia aún las suelen arrastrar.
Huracanes de sueños aún a veces las tumban.
Escuchas otras voces en mi voz dolorida.
Llanto de viejas bocas, sangre de viejas súplicas.
Ámame,compañera,en esa ola de angústia.

Pero se van tiñendo con tu amor mis palabras.
Todo lo ocupas tú, todo lo ocupas.

Voy haciendo de todas un collar infinito
para tus blancas manos, suaves como las uvas.

Pablo Neruda


Whispers Of The Beloved

Posted by Manu Mattos on 15.3.10 in ,
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I cannot sleep in your prescence.
In your absence, tears prevent me.
You watch me My Beloved
On each sleepless night and
Only You see the difference

Looking at my life
I see that only Love
Has been my soul’s companion
From deep inside
My soul cries out:
Do not wait, surrender
For the sake of Love.

If you can’t smell the fragrance
Don’t come into the garden of Love.
If you’re unwilling to undress
Don’t enter into the stream of Truth.
Stay where you are.
Don’t come our way.

All year round the lover is mad,
Unkempt, lovesick and in disgrace.
Without love there is nothing but grief.
In love… what else matters?

Love is our Mother and
The way of our Prophet.
Yet it is in our nature
To fight with Love.
We can’t see you, mother,
Hidden behind dark veils
Woven by ourselves.

Do you want to enter paradise?
To walk the path of Truth
You need the grace of God.
We all face death in the end.
But on the way, be careful
Never to hurt a human heart!

Do you know what the music is saying?
“Come follow me and you will find the way.
Your mistakes can also lead you to the Truth.
When you ask, the answer will be given.”

The Master who’s full of sweetness
Is so drunk with love, he’s oblivious.
“Will you give me
some of your sweetness?”
“I have none,” he says,
unaware of his richness.

You know what love is?
It is all kindness, generosity.
Disharmony prevails when
You confuse lust with love, while
The distance between the two
Is endless.

This Love is a King
But his banner is hidden.
The Koran speaks the Truth
But its miracle is concealed.
Love has pierced with its arrow
The heart of every lover.
Blood flows but the wound is invisible.



Force Attraction

Posted by Manu Mattos on 11.3.10 in
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Open mind through open eyes,
With knowing not of what we’ll find —
To come what may this quiet night,
Through thoughts of you this heart takes flight.

Dancing dreams through memories —
These thoughts of you and those of me —
From start to end I’ve yet to know,
Its confirmation not yet to show.

Stories have written and tales been told
Of souls who love and yet grow old
With true intent concealed till death —
Secrets held past their final breath.

Time will tell if you will learn
My thoughts of you inside that burn —
A force attraction created by fate
I pray you’ll learn before too late.

Marc Duggan


Until The Dawn

Posted by Manu Mattos on 8.3.10 in
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Goodnight, my lover,
May you sleep well tonight —
Peaceful, plentiful, perfect —
Enjoying our dreams together
Until the time comes
When you wake up once again
And hold me ever so gently
Within your loving arms.

Marc Duggan


Yesterday is History

Posted by Manu Mattos on 7.3.10 in
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Yesterday is History,
'Tis so far away
Yesterday is Poetry
'Tis Philosophy

Yesterday is mystery
Where it is Today
While we shrewdly speculate
Flutter both away

Emily Dickinson


Paradise Lost

Posted by Manu Mattos on 5.3.10 in
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Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful seat,
Sing, Heav'nly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos; or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my advent'rous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
And chiefly thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for thou know'st; thou from the first
Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread,
Dovelike sat'st brooding on the vast abyss,
And mad'st it pregnant: what in me is dark
Illumine; what is low, raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.

John Milton


Into My Own

Posted by Manu Mattos on 4.3.10 in ,
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One of my wishes is that those dark trees,
So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,
Were not, as 'twere, the merest mask of gloom,
But stretched away unto th eedge of doom.

I should not be withheld but that some day
into their vastness I should steal away,
Fearless of ever finding open land,
or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.

I do not see why I should e'er turn back,
Or those should not set forth upon my track
To overtake me, who should miss me here
And long to know if still I held them dear.

They would not find me changed from him the knew--
Only more sure of all I though was true.

Robert Frost


Places among the stars

Posted by Manu Mattos on 1.3.10 in
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Places among the stars,
Soft gardens near the sun,
Keep your distant beauty;
Shed no beams upon my weak heart.
Since she is here
In a place of blackness,
Not your golden days
Nor your silver nights
Can call me to you.
Since she is here
In a place of blackness,
Here I stay and wait

Stephen Crane

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